"Spirits for Small Change" 2nd Edition, July 3rd BrewDog Roppongi
Post by Stefan Van Eycken, Tokyo
日本語は以下に続きます (Japanese follows English)
Today, we’re thrilled to be able to announce details of the second edition of the charity event "Spirits for Small Change". The first edition was held in 2014 and raised over 6.5 million yen. All proceeds from the event are donated to charity. This time our partner is "Bridge for Smile" which supports children living in institutional care and helps them live independently after leaving children's homes. We are very happy to be able to support their efforts in a small way with this, the second “Spirits for Small Change” fundraiser.
The event will take place at BrewDog Roppongi in Tokyo on Sunday, July 3rd from 1 to 3pm. In addition to a welcome beer from the BrewDog range and a plate of craft food, participation includes 5 whiskies and/or other spirits, one of which is a special ultra-limited bottling provided by Ichiro Akuto of Venture Whisky. The other four drams can be chosen freely from a wide range of whiskies and other spirits donated by distillers, retailers, bars and collectors worldwide. There will also be a special bottling for 'Spirits for Small Change' (a 19yo Arran single cask) which can be tried and bought at the event. Participation is 5,000 yen and advance registration will include a raffle ticket, giving you the chance to win some really interesting bottles. A few rare collectables will be auctioned off live at the event as well. Space is limited so we strongly recommend you book your ticket in advance. Our friends over at Malt City are taking care of this for us, so head on over to their site!
Structural support for ""Spirits for Small Change"" is provided by: BrewDog Japan, Whisk-e and Number One Drinks Co.
Detailed Information:
Date / 3rd July 2016 13:00 - 15:00
Venue / BrewDog Roppongi
Entry Fee / 5,000 Yen (includes 1 BrewDog beer, a plate of BrewDog food & 5 whiskies)
*Advance entry also includes a raffle ticket, giving you the chance to win some interesting bottles.
Event enquiry : Nonjatta
Ticket enquiry : MaltCity (enquiries@whisk-e.co.jp)
日本語は以下に続きます (Japanese follows English)
Today, we’re thrilled to be able to announce details of the second edition of the charity event "Spirits for Small Change". The first edition was held in 2014 and raised over 6.5 million yen. All proceeds from the event are donated to charity. This time our partner is "Bridge for Smile" which supports children living in institutional care and helps them live independently after leaving children's homes. We are very happy to be able to support their efforts in a small way with this, the second “Spirits for Small Change” fundraiser.
The event will take place at BrewDog Roppongi in Tokyo on Sunday, July 3rd from 1 to 3pm. In addition to a welcome beer from the BrewDog range and a plate of craft food, participation includes 5 whiskies and/or other spirits, one of which is a special ultra-limited bottling provided by Ichiro Akuto of Venture Whisky. The other four drams can be chosen freely from a wide range of whiskies and other spirits donated by distillers, retailers, bars and collectors worldwide. There will also be a special bottling for 'Spirits for Small Change' (a 19yo Arran single cask) which can be tried and bought at the event. Participation is 5,000 yen and advance registration will include a raffle ticket, giving you the chance to win some really interesting bottles. A few rare collectables will be auctioned off live at the event as well. Space is limited so we strongly recommend you book your ticket in advance. Our friends over at Malt City are taking care of this for us, so head on over to their site!
Structural support for ""Spirits for Small Change"" is provided by: BrewDog Japan, Whisk-e and Number One Drinks Co.
Detailed Information:
Date / 3rd July 2016 13:00 - 15:00
Venue / BrewDog Roppongi
Entry Fee / 5,000 Yen (includes 1 BrewDog beer, a plate of BrewDog food & 5 whiskies)
*Advance entry also includes a raffle ticket, giving you the chance to win some interesting bottles.
Event enquiry : Nonjatta
Ticket enquiry : MaltCity (enquiries@whisk-e.co.jp)
2014年に行われたNonjattaのチャリティイベントがこの度、第2回’Spirits for Small Change’として、再び開催する運びとなりました。
皆様から650万円を超す寄付金が集まりました前回のイベントですが、今回のチャリティパートナーは、児童擁護施設から社会に巣立つ子供達の自立支援を行なっている団体’Bridge for Smile’です。今回のイベントが、少しでも子供達の’Bridge for Smile’への力となれれば幸いです。
今回のイベントは、7月3日の午後1時から3時に、ブリュードッグ六本木で開催いたします。ウエルカムビールや美味しい料理を提供させていただきますとともに、5杯のウイスキーもしくはスピリッツをお楽しみいただけます。その内の1杯は、Venture Whiskyの肥土さまより提供していただきました、特別な限定ボトルからとなっております。さらに、’Spirits for Small Change’の特別ボトル(アランのシングルカスク19年)も用意しております。こちらのボトルは本イベントで購入することも可能です。蒸溜所、リテーラー、バー、世界中のコレクターの皆様から寄付されましたボトルも試飲できます。参加費用は5000円になりますが、前売り券をご購入いただきますと、素敵な賞品の当たる抽選券をお渡しいたします。更にイベント当日には、何本かのコレクタブルなボトルをオークション形式で出品いたします。経費を除く全ての収益金が’Bridge for Smile’へ寄付されます。今回のイベントが開催されます場所には収容人数に限りがございますので、ぜひお早めに前売り券をお買い求め下さい。Malt City様のご協力により、今回のイベントは開催されます。
Spirits for Small Changeは BrewDog Japan, Whisk-e そして Number One Drinks Co.のお力添えにより実現させる事ができました。
日時 / 2016年7月3日(日)13:00 - 15:00
会場 / ブリュードッグ六本木
参加費 / 5,000円 (ブリュードッグのビール1杯、ブリュードッグ六本木特製フードにウイスキー5杯のテイスティングチケットが含まれます)
イベントに関するお問い合わせ : Nonjatta
チケット販売に関するお問い合わせ:MaltCity (enquiries@whisk-e.co.jp)
First of all, thank you for all the work you are putting in the charity
event, as well as honest distribution of these last Japanese gems. You guys
are doing great.
Secondly, will the Ghost 8 only be available this way, or also via Maltcity site?
Thanks in advance.
Best of luck for the fundraiser,
it's a bit too far from Belgium ;)
Greetings from Shizuoka!
Taiko Nakamura told me you intend to visit his new distillery in Shizuoka City in August.
Could we team up on that day?
I also want to interview him and as I am in constant contact with him I could give a hand (for the fun!)!
Lookkng forward to reading you soon!
My FB account is at Martineau Robert-Gilles
Best regards,